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Ça Va - Workplace Wellbeing

The challenge

In the Netherlands, 18% of working men and 61% of working women have experienced sexual transgressive behaviour in the workplace. Besides sexual transgressive behaviour, employees also experience other forms of transgressive behaviour such as discrimination, bullying and harassment. Transgressive behaviour can lead to severe complaints for a victim like stress, anxiety, shame, and a reduction of happiness. For organisations these complaints can result in underperforming employees which are more absent. Transgressive behaviour in the Netherlands costs approximately 363 million euros per year for organisations.

The solution

At Ça Va - Workplace Wellbeing we want to create safer working environments. We plan to achieve this by taking a transparent bottom-up approach involving employees and increasing accessibility. We offer an application with services aiming to prevent, detect and solve cases of transgressive behaviours.

Our mission is to ensure safe working environments in companies.

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This project is being coached by
Ça Va - Workplace Wellbeing


Team info

>Niek Berends
>Bart Smedts
>Rutger de Groen

UM postal address
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands

UM visiting address
Minderbroedersberg 4-6
6211 LK Maastricht
The Netherlands
+31 43 388 2222

Social media & contact
Social media

Tel: +31 (0)6 13 98 91 91

The Maastricht University Challenge is organised by
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